California has experienced a tremendous increase in population
since the end of World War II. The result was a sporadic formation
of cities and special service districts. The results of this
development boom became evident as more of California's agricultural
land was converted to urban uses. Premature and unplanned development
created an inefficient, expensive system of delivering public
services using various small local governments.
Governor Edmund G. Brown, Sr., responded to this problem in
1959 by appointing the Commission on Metropolitan Area Problems.
The Commission's charge was to study and make recommendations
on the "misuse of land resources" and the growing
complexity of overlapping, local governmental jurisdictions.
The Commission's recommendation on local government reorganization
were introduced in the Legislature in 1963, resulting in the
creation of the Local Agency Formation Commission, or LAFCOs,
operating in each county except San Francisco.
Click on the following link to view or
download LAFCO of Kings County Policies
and Procedures Manual or Application